About Us
Our Mission Statement
To surround foster children with support, love, faith, and guidance by bridging the gap between foster families, biological families, and our community.
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ -Matthew 25:40

Becky Slaymaker
Executive Director
Foster Care has always been something my heart was drawn to. We were looking into adoption when I unexpectedly got pregnant with our youngest. We put those plans on hold, but I still felt a calling to this ministry. I met Dawn Keeton a few years ago and have watched her family’s journey through foster adoption. When she put the call out about wanting to start a foster closet, we immediately knew this was something we could do, while we waited to see what else we were supposed to do. Quickly, we realized that the need was far greater than just a closet for these frontline families. We have such big plans and we are happy to be on this journey with y’all!

Jodi Bugby
Jodi and her husband have a life purpose to make a difference in the lives of foster children, and change the tides of the orphan crisis in the Florida panhandle. They have 3 of their own biological children, 1 son adopted from Sudan, 2 sons adopted from Haiti & 1 daughter adopted from foster care. They currently foster 3 little ones in addition to their own crew. Jodi and her family began supporting Gulf Coast Foster Bridge​ as a volunteer in 2020 when they recognized their own needs for support after beginning their foster care journey during the pandemic. Being on the receiving side inspired her to get involved and start serving!

Kirsty Sullivan
Vice President
In 2014, I spontaneously became a single foster parent to two little girls. It was the best "YES" I've ever said! They have since been adopted and we are now a family of 5. This blessings in our lives are nothing short off God's work. It also opened my eyes to a HUGE need right here in our community. I have a heart for children and the GCFB allows me to make a difference and pay it forward.

Tamara Mays

Shara Vitro
My husband and I jumped into foster care in 2017 when my cousins got placed into the system. We weren't looking for it, it just kind of became something we knew we needed to do. Later, when we moved to Florida, we both felt called again to get back into foster care and we jumped in head first. We fostered for 3 years, and had 27 children in our home and helped start back up GCFB support group during Covid. We are no longer fostering, but still feel called to come alongside foster and adoptive families in our area and make sure they're getting the support and resources they need. Foster care will always be such a big part of our lives and we know firsthand the struggles, pain and heartbreak that can go along with this world. We want to be a support and mentor new families jumping in.